"Uchu no Mugen no Chikara ga Kori kotte Makoto no Daiwa no Miyo ga Nani natta"
It means; “The Eternal Power of the Universe has gathered itself to create a world with true and grand harmony"
To all water on this planet earth,
we respect you, love you and appreciate you.
We are sorry for having ignored you until now.
Please forgive us,
We thank you,
And we love you.
10 de abril : La Oración de Hoy
Vamos a dar "La Gran Invocación" antes de las palabras de Hoy dado por el Dr. Emoto.
"Uchu no Mugen no Chikara ga Kori kotte Makoto no Daiwa no Miyo ga Nani natta"
Significación ; “ El poder eterno del universo se ha reunido para crear el mundo con la verdadera y gran harmonía. "
* La Oración de Hoy *
A toda el agua en esta tierra del planeta, le respetamos, le amamos y le apreciamos. Lo sentimos por haberte ignorado hasta ahora.
Perdónenos por favor,
Le agradecemos,
Y le amamos.
"Uchu no Mugen no Chikara ga Kori kotte Makoto no Daiwa no Miyo ga Nani natta"
Significación ; “ El poder eterno del universo se ha reunido para crear el mundo con la verdadera y gran harmonía. "
* La Oración de Hoy *
A toda el agua en esta tierra del planeta, le respetamos, le amamos y le apreciamos. Lo sentimos por haberte ignorado hasta ahora.
Perdónenos por favor,
Le agradecemos,
Y le amamos.
Mi Sugerencia a Todos
El lunes siguiente, será un mes desde el 11 de marzo cuando ocurrieron el terremoto masivo, el tsunami masivo y el accidente de la central nuclear.
A mí no me parece que este desastre fue un desastre mero. Siento que es el comienzo del fenómeno de la catástrofe que ha sido el tema de entre la gente en estos últimos años. Así que, aunque el problema del reactor se soluciona una vez en este tiempo, es posible que los nuevos problemas difíciles nos afecten uno tras otro.
Recordando del 9-11, los ataques ocurrieron el 11 de septiembre de 2001. Podríamos decir que, para los ciudadanos de la planeta tierra, fue el primer día en que sucedió la catástrofe. Y 10 años después de 9-11 fue el 11 de marzo de 2011 cuando la segunda catástrofe nos afectó en mi país, Japón.
Ahora tengo una sugerencia a todos ustedes.
Vamos a hacer 11 de cada mes “El Día del Rezo para la Paz en la Tierra” y vamos a orar mano a mano todos juntos para la paz en la Tierra.
Al mediodía en el 11, la hora local, por favor, digan las palabras siguientes llamadas “La Gran Invocación ” para rogar:
“Uchu no Mugen no Chikara ga Kori Kotte, Makoto no Daiwa no Miyo ga, Nari Natta.” (Significa ; “ El poder eterno del universo se ha reunido para crear el mundo con la verdadera y gran harmonía. " )
Éste es el poder Kotodama – la energía espiritual de las palabras - que el Dr. Nobuo Shioya creado para la paz en la tierra. Se dice que el Dr. Shioya fue la reencarnación de Laozi, filósofo de la antigua China, y yo lo respeto altamente. Él era un médico admirable que sirvió como médico primario de la emperatriz, esposa del Emperador de Showa”. http://www.facts-are-facts.com/magazin/2-rejuvenation.ihtml
El Dr. Shioya falleció hace unos 5 años a la edad de 106. Mientras él estaba vivo, él me dijo que deseaba que el 10% de la gente entera en el mundo entero cantarían la Gran Invocación. Él era el último hsien japonesa (es decir, de iluminado, ermitaños de montaña) y pensó e ideó estas palabras ya que le preocupaba que haríamos frente a la catástrofe.
Así que, vamos a llamar a la gente alrededor de usted y cantar las palabras de la Gran Invocación en cada 11 al mediodía para prepararse para la catástrofe.
Con amor y gratitud,
Masaru Emoto
April 9th :Today’s word of prayer
"Uchu no Mugen no Chikara ga Kori kotte Makoto no Daiwa no Miyo ga Nani natta"
It means; “The Eternal Power of the Universe has gathered itself to create a world with true and grand harmony"
We came to the earth from outer space as water.
When we return, we will go back as water again.
So, let’s thank water and give love to it.
Water, we are sorry,
Please forgive us,
We thank you,
And we love you.
It means; “The Eternal Power of the Universe has gathered itself to create a world with true and grand harmony"
We came to the earth from outer space as water.
When we return, we will go back as water again.
So, let’s thank water and give love to it.
Water, we are sorry,
Please forgive us,
We thank you,
And we love you.
9 de abril : La Oración de Hoy
Vamos a dar "La Gran Invocación" antes de las palabras de Hoy dado por el Dr. Emoto.
"Uchu no Mugen no Chikara ga Kori kotte Makoto no Daiwa no Miyo ga Nani natta"
Significación ; “ El poder eterno del universo se ha reunido para crear el mundo con la verdadera y gran harmonía. "
* La Oración de Hoy *
Vinimos a la tierra desde el espacio exterior como agua. Cuando regresemos, vamos a volver como agua otra vez. Por lo tanto, vamos a agradecer el agua y dar amor a ella.
Agua, lo sentimos,
Perdónenos por favor,
Le agradecemos,
Y le amamos.
"Uchu no Mugen no Chikara ga Kori kotte Makoto no Daiwa no Miyo ga Nani natta"
Significación ; “ El poder eterno del universo se ha reunido para crear el mundo con la verdadera y gran harmonía. "
* La Oración de Hoy *
Vinimos a la tierra desde el espacio exterior como agua. Cuando regresemos, vamos a volver como agua otra vez. Por lo tanto, vamos a agradecer el agua y dar amor a ella.
Agua, lo sentimos,
Perdónenos por favor,
Le agradecemos,
Y le amamos.
My suggestion to everyone
April 8th, 2011
My suggestion to everyone:
On the following Monday, it will be one month from March 11th when the massive earthquake, massive tsunami and nuclear plant accident occurred.
It doesn’t seem to me that the disaster of this time was a mere disaster. I feel that it is the beginning of the catastrophe phenomenon that has been the subject among people in this past recent years. So, even though the reactor problem is once solved this time, it’s possible that new difficult problems will affect us one after another.
Come to think of it, the 9-11 attacks occurred on September 11th, 2001. We could say that, for the citizens of the planet earth, it was the first day when the catastrophe happened. And 10 years after 9-11 was March 11th 2011 when the second catastrophe affected us in my country, Japan.
Now I have a suggestion for all.
Let’s make 11th of each month “The Day of Prayer for the Peace on Earth” and let’s pray hand-in-hand all together for the peace on Earth.
At noon on the 11th, local time, please say the following words called “The Grand Invocation” to pray:
“Uchu no Mugen no Chikara ga Kori Kotte, Makoto no Daiwa no Miyo ga, Nari Natta.” (This means: The eternal power of the Universe has gathered itself to create the world with true and grand harmony.)
This is the Kotodama -spiritual power of words - that Dr. Nobuo Shioya created for peace on earth. Dr. Shioya is said to be the reincarnation of Laozi, philosopher of ancient China, and I highly respect him. He was an admirable medical doctor who served as a primary physician of the Empress, Showa Emperor’s wife”.
Dr. Shioya passed away about 5 years ago at the age of 106. While he was alive, he said to me that he was wishing that 10% of the whole people in the entire world would chant the Great Invocation. He was the last Japanese hsien (meaning enlighted person, mountain hermits) and devised these words since he was concerned that we would face the catastrophe.
So, let’s call out to people around you and chant the words of the Great Invocation on every 11th at noon to prepare for the catastrophe.
With love and gratitude,
Masaru Emoto
Present from Mr. Takahashi
I would like to let you know that my friend offered to present his art work to readers of this blog.
Please take a look at my video message on YouTube first at;
Behind me, you can see an artwork on the left top on the screen. It is the work of my friend painter Takahashi. He painted this work in hopes of creating peace and harmony in the world as the character on the painting means harmony in Japanese.
He would like to offer original paintings to our friends around the world. Please see the detail as follows.
1) He would like to offer them to the people living outside Japan
2) Two pieces will be sent to each person
Please keep one piece for yourself, and bring another to a place where people offer prayers such as a church, a temple or a shrine in your area as an offering. Please take a photograph of painting being offered and send the picture.
3) We will send it to 180 people on a first come first served basis.
Please make sure to write your address and e-mail address.
4) It will be painted by the artist and takes time, so please wait for a while until you receive it.
Love & Gratitude,
Masaru Emoto
Please take a look at my video message on YouTube first at;
Behind me, you can see an artwork on the left top on the screen. It is the work of my friend painter Takahashi. He painted this work in hopes of creating peace and harmony in the world as the character on the painting means harmony in Japanese.
He would like to offer original paintings to our friends around the world. Please see the detail as follows.
1) He would like to offer them to the people living outside Japan
2) Two pieces will be sent to each person
Please keep one piece for yourself, and bring another to a place where people offer prayers such as a church, a temple or a shrine in your area as an offering. Please take a photograph of painting being offered and send the picture.
3) We will send it to 180 people on a first come first served basis.
Please make sure to write your address and e-mail address.
4) It will be painted by the artist and takes time, so please wait for a while until you receive it.
Love & Gratitude,
Masaru Emoto
April 8th :Today’s word of prayer
"Uchu no Mugen no Chikara ga Kori kotte Makoto no Daiwa no Miyo ga Nani natta"
It means; “The Eternal Power of the Universe has gathered itself to create a world with true and grand harmony"
The universe is water, and we are the microcosm, and we are water.
Therefore, when we learn what water is, we learn about ourselves and the mystery of universe.
And to know about water,
Water, we are sorry,
Please forgive us,
We thank you,
And we love you.
It means; “The Eternal Power of the Universe has gathered itself to create a world with true and grand harmony"
The universe is water, and we are the microcosm, and we are water.
Therefore, when we learn what water is, we learn about ourselves and the mystery of universe.
And to know about water,
Water, we are sorry,
Please forgive us,
We thank you,
And we love you.
8 de abril : La Oración de Hoy
Vamos a dar "La Gran Invocación" antes de las palabras de Hoy dado por el Dr. Emoto.
"Uchu no Mugen no Chikara ga Kori kotte Makoto no Daiwa no Miyo ga Nani natta"
Significación ; “ El poder eterno del universo se ha reunido para crear el mundo con la verdadera y gran harmonía. "
* La Oración de Hoy *
El universo es agua, y nosotros somos el microcosmos, y que somos agua. Por lo tanto, cuando aprendemos qué es el agua, aprendemos sobre nosotros mismos y el misterio del universo. Y para saber sobre el agua,
Agua, lo sentimos,
Perdónenos por favor,
Te agradecemos,
Y te amamos.
"Uchu no Mugen no Chikara ga Kori kotte Makoto no Daiwa no Miyo ga Nani natta"
Significación ; “ El poder eterno del universo se ha reunido para crear el mundo con la verdadera y gran harmonía. "
* La Oración de Hoy *
El universo es agua, y nosotros somos el microcosmos, y que somos agua. Por lo tanto, cuando aprendemos qué es el agua, aprendemos sobre nosotros mismos y el misterio del universo. Y para saber sobre el agua,
Agua, lo sentimos,
Perdónenos por favor,
Te agradecemos,
Y te amamos.
Prière du 7 avril 2011 : Ecoutons la voix des plantes et des animaux sur la terre et parlons avec eux.
Ils sont conçus avec l'eau, tout comme nous.
"Aux plantes et aux animaux...
Nous sommes désolés,
S'il vous plait pardonnez-nous,
Nous vous remercions,
Et nous vous aimons."
April 7th :Today’s word of prayer
"Uchu no Mugen no Chikara ga Kori kotte Makoto no Daiwa no Miyo ga Nani natta"
It means; “The Eternal Power of the Universe has gathered itself to create a world with true and grand harmony"
Let’s listen to the voice of all plants and animals on the earth and talk with them.
They are made of water as well as we are.
To plants and animals,
We are sorry,
Please forgive us,
We thank you,
And we love you.
It means; “The Eternal Power of the Universe has gathered itself to create a world with true and grand harmony"
Let’s listen to the voice of all plants and animals on the earth and talk with them.
They are made of water as well as we are.
To plants and animals,
We are sorry,
Please forgive us,
We thank you,
And we love you.
7 de abril La Oración de Hoy
Vamos a escuchar la voz de todas las plantas y animales en la tierra y hablar con ellos. Ellos son hechos de agua, así como somos nosotros.
Para las plantas y los animales,
Lo sentimos,
Pedónennos por favor,
Les agradecemos,
Y les amamos
Para las plantas y los animales,
Lo sentimos,
Pedónennos por favor,
Les agradecemos,
Y les amamos
About the prayer words intoroduced on April 3rd
On April 3rd, I asked you to say the prayer words in past perfect tense such as “it has been solved,” without providing enough explanation. I would like to further explain the reason why.
Dr. Nobuo Shioya is the master teacher of kotodama, spiritual power of words, and I respect him deeply as my mentor. Dr. Shioya passed away four years ago, ten days before his 106th birthday. He has left the chanting phrases with kotodama entitled the Grand Invocation. It goes as follows.
It means; “The Eternal Power of the Universe has gathered itself to create a world with true and grand harmony"
I have been trying to spread this invocation throughout the world after taking it over from Dr. Shioya. As you can see, it is written in the past perfect tense. There is a reason for that.
Dr. Shioya used to teach us that it is important to hold a strong determination and confidence as if your vision has already been actualized when you make a wish truly. I am following his instruction.
I know that all the people around the world are strongly hoping that the problems from the accident will be solved as soon as possible. I used the past perfect tense for above reason.
6 de abril La Oración de Hoy
Actualmente el agua y el aceite no pueden ser mezclados. Sin embargo, confío en que serán mezclados unos con otros cuando ofrecemos amor y gratitud al agua y al aceite. Vamos a ofrecer pensamientos de amor y gratitud al petróleo en la tierra del mundo.
Para aceite-san, lo sentimos,
Perdónenos,por favor,
Le agradecemos,
Y le amamos.
Para aceite-san, lo sentimos,
Perdónenos,por favor,
Le agradecemos,
Y le amamos.
April 6th :Today’s word of prayer
Presently water and oil can’t be mixed. However,
I trust that they will be mixed with each other when we offer love and gratitude to water and oil. Let’s offer thoughts of love and gratitude to oil in the ground of the world.
To oil-san, we are sorry,
Please forgive us,
We thank you,
And we love you.
I trust that they will be mixed with each other when we offer love and gratitude to water and oil. Let’s offer thoughts of love and gratitude to oil in the ground of the world.
To oil-san, we are sorry,
Please forgive us,
We thank you,
And we love you.
5 de abril La Oración de Hoy
A todas las personas en la tierra, somos agua. Hagamos uno, ofreciendo amor y gratitud al agua. El agua es lo que conecta todos.
(Para si mismo)
Lo siento,
Perdóname por favor
Te agradezco,
Y te amo.
(Para si mismo)
Lo siento,
Perdóname por favor
Te agradezco,
Y te amo.
April 5th : Today’s word of prayer
To all people on the earth, we are water.
Let’s become one by offering love and gratitude to water.
Water is what connects everything.
(To yourself)
I’m sorry,
Please forgive me,
I thank you,
And I love you.
Let’s become one by offering love and gratitude to water.
Water is what connects everything.
(To yourself)
I’m sorry,
Please forgive me,
I thank you,
And I love you.
We shipped out “Love and Gratitude” Water to people in afflicted areas today.
We shipped out “Love and Gratitude” Water to people in afflicted areas (Miyagi, Fukushima and Iwate pref.) finally today. We sent a total of 10 boxes (24 bottles of 500ml each). The reason why we could not ship out the water sooner was that our water company could not produce water because of the earthquakes, lack of gasoline, planned blackouts and so forth. But finally they come back to normal and now we are ready to send lots of water to a lot of people!
Masaru Emoto offering a prayer to water before shipped out

“Love and Gratitude Water”
We told them that “thoughts of love and gratitude gathered from all over the world and that were sent to you as a form of water. If anybody around you need this water, please let us know. We will be happy to ship another box for free.”
We would love to keep shipping out this water to people who need.
Our team sincerely hopes this water will spread out to people in afflicted areas and they will get back a normal life that they can enjoy with their smiles and peace of minds.
With love and gratitude,
Hiro Emoto
Emoto peace Project
Masaru Emoto offering a prayer to water before shipped out

“Love and Gratitude Water”
We told them that “thoughts of love and gratitude gathered from all over the world and that were sent to you as a form of water. If anybody around you need this water, please let us know. We will be happy to ship another box for free.”
We would love to keep shipping out this water to people who need.
Our team sincerely hopes this water will spread out to people in afflicted areas and they will get back a normal life that they can enjoy with their smiles and peace of minds.
With love and gratitude,
Hiro Emoto
Emoto peace Project
4 de abril La Oración de Hoy
A la deidad del agua, la deidad del dragón, que es profunda en la costa del este de la zona de Japón,
Lo sentimos,
Perdónenos por favor,
Le agradecemos,
Y le amamos.
Lo sentimos,
Perdónenos por favor,
Le agradecemos,
Y le amamos.
April 4th : Today’s word of prayer
To the deity of water, dragon deity, that is deep in off the coast of eastern Japan area,
We are sorry,
Please forgive us,
We thank you,
And we love you.
3 de abril La Oración de Hoy
El problema de fuga de radiación de Plantas Nucleares de Fukushima se ha resuelto. A los oficiales de las Fuerzas Militares de EE.UU., Autodefensa de Japón, policías, bomberos, y a todos personales, muchas gracias.
A las queridas familias, lo sentimos,
Perdónennos por favor,
Les agradecemos,
Y les amamos.
A las queridas familias, lo sentimos,
Perdónennos por favor,
Les agradecemos,
Y les amamos.
April 3rd : Today’s word of prayer
The radiation leakage problem of Fukushima Nuclear Plant has been solved.
To officers of US military forces, Japanese Self-Defense, police officers, fire fighters, and all the staff, we thank you very much.
To their beloved families, we are sorry,
Please forgive us,
We thank you,
And We love you.
投稿 (Atom)