For those who cannot come to Dr. Emoto's seminar physically, there is Ustream that will broadcast Dr. Emoto's Water Wisdom Message live on July 7th between 1 PM and 3 PM in PST. Please check this out! You will see the latest information about his work!
Dr. Emoto's seminar at The Kabbalah Center in Los Angeles
The first seminar of the U.S tour this time was a seminar at The Kabbalah Center in Beverly Hills, CA. This seminar was just confirmed about a month ago so there was only limited of time to prepare for the seminar. In addition, The Kabbalah center had only 30 tickets sales last week..
However, there was "a last minute phenomenon" occurred and it ended up with a full of 300 people!
Usually, The Kabbalah Center does not have an outsider as a speaker but the Messages from Water was apparently exceptional. Audience enjoyed Dr. Emoto's talk throughout the seminar and they gave standing ovations to him at the end of the seminar. So, it was a great kick off to start the seminar tour this time.
There is a video that Dr. Emoto's assistant took and you can see the last part of his seminar. You can also see a surprise for Dr. Emoto at the end so please watch.
Next destination is Duluth, MN!
For the information on the schedule of Dr. Emoto's seminar, please visit
However, there was "a last minute phenomenon" occurred and it ended up with a full of 300 people!
Usually, The Kabbalah Center does not have an outsider as a speaker but the Messages from Water was apparently exceptional. Audience enjoyed Dr. Emoto's talk throughout the seminar and they gave standing ovations to him at the end of the seminar. So, it was a great kick off to start the seminar tour this time.
There is a video that Dr. Emoto's assistant took and you can see the last part of his seminar. You can also see a surprise for Dr. Emoto at the end so please watch.
Next destination is Duluth, MN!
For the information on the schedule of Dr. Emoto's seminar, please visit
Dr. Emoto's Seminar Tour in the U.S
Hello, everyone, I am Masaru Emoto. I am now in Los Angeles and preparing for the seminar tour in the U.S starting from tomorrow. I will be giving 8 seminars and 1 workshop and 3 water ceremonies and 1 seminar for children in 3 weeks in 8 cities. Please check the following schedule and if you live near by the place that I give a seminar by please come and see me!
Wednesday, July 3rd
Cabala Center in Beverly Hills, LA.
I heard it is the first time for them to invite Japanese speaker there.
It is a laboratory center of Numerology. I wonder what the relevance with my theory i...s.
Friday, July 5th
Duluth, Minnesota
The organizer is a local Yoga Center. For your information, Minnesota means "1000 lakes" in native Indian language.
Saturday, July 6th
In the morning, Water ceremony at the Lake Superior. I am doing it with Shamans of Native Indians. I am going to chant "Dai-Dangen" by Dr. Nobuo Sioya.
In the afternoon, we are flying to Pheonix then drive to Sedona.
Sunday, July 7th
Visiting Drunvalo - san in Sedona. He visited my office in 2005 so this time I am visiting him.
In the afternoon, a joint seminar with my best friend, Varnon Masayesva. In the evening, water ceremony with Hopi people at the Angel valley.
Monday, July 8th
In the very early morning, Sun rising ceremony.
From 10 o'clock, Sound of Soul seminar with Rasmus(my stuff of the laboratory in Lichtenstein).
Tuesday, July 9th
Phoenix to Los Angels.
Wednesday, July 10th
Two interviews in the morning, a seminar at Miyako Hotel in Torrance, LA in the evening.
Thursday, July 11th
From 10:30, Water Ceremony at San Onofre, a beach next to the newclear power plant.
From 17:00 Water Ceremony for the Pacific Ocean
Friday, July 12th
At noon, a seminar for children in Orange county.
In the evening, a seminar for adults, organized by IHM USA
Saturday, July 13th
To Minneapolis
Sunday, July 14th
Morning to 15:30, A workshop organized by a Woman's group in Minneapolis.
At 19:00 a seminar
Monday, July 15th
To Honolulu
Tuesday, July 16th
15:30 - 17:30 a VIP seminar in Oahu
19:00 - 22:00 General seminar
Wednesday, July 17th
In the evening, a seminar in Kona produced by Yumi Kikuchi
Satruday, July 20th
Hiro - Kona
In the evening, a seminar in Hiro
Sunday, July 21st
To Japan!!
Monday, July 22nd
Arriving in Japan!
In the evening, my birthday party with my children and grandsons. I will be 70 years old.
For more information on the seminars, please visit
With love and gratitude,
Masaru Emoto
Wednesday, July 3rd
Cabala Center in Beverly Hills, LA.
I heard it is the first time for them to invite Japanese speaker there.
It is a laboratory center of Numerology. I wonder what the relevance with my theory i...s.
Friday, July 5th
Duluth, Minnesota
The organizer is a local Yoga Center. For your information, Minnesota means "1000 lakes" in native Indian language.
Saturday, July 6th
In the morning, Water ceremony at the Lake Superior. I am doing it with Shamans of Native Indians. I am going to chant "Dai-Dangen" by Dr. Nobuo Sioya.
In the afternoon, we are flying to Pheonix then drive to Sedona.
Sunday, July 7th
Visiting Drunvalo - san in Sedona. He visited my office in 2005 so this time I am visiting him.
In the afternoon, a joint seminar with my best friend, Varnon Masayesva. In the evening, water ceremony with Hopi people at the Angel valley.
Monday, July 8th
In the very early morning, Sun rising ceremony.
From 10 o'clock, Sound of Soul seminar with Rasmus(my stuff of the laboratory in Lichtenstein).
Tuesday, July 9th
Phoenix to Los Angels.
Wednesday, July 10th
Two interviews in the morning, a seminar at Miyako Hotel in Torrance, LA in the evening.
Thursday, July 11th
From 10:30, Water Ceremony at San Onofre, a beach next to the newclear power plant.
From 17:00 Water Ceremony for the Pacific Ocean
Friday, July 12th
At noon, a seminar for children in Orange county.
In the evening, a seminar for adults, organized by IHM USA
Saturday, July 13th
To Minneapolis
Sunday, July 14th
Morning to 15:30, A workshop organized by a Woman's group in Minneapolis.
At 19:00 a seminar
Monday, July 15th
To Honolulu
Tuesday, July 16th
15:30 - 17:30 a VIP seminar in Oahu
19:00 - 22:00 General seminar
Wednesday, July 17th
In the evening, a seminar in Kona produced by Yumi Kikuchi
Satruday, July 20th
Hiro - Kona
In the evening, a seminar in Hiro
Sunday, July 21st
To Japan!!
Monday, July 22nd
Arriving in Japan!
In the evening, my birthday party with my children and grandsons. I will be 70 years old.
For more information on the seminars, please visit
With love and gratitude,
Masaru Emoto
My sincere request to the concerned people in the world
March 11th, 2013 will mark 2 years after the Great East Japan Earthquake devastated Japan. Measuring at a magnitude 9, the earthquake created a huge tsunami to follow, that hit the Tohoku area of Japan at 2:46 pm that day.
Literally destroying everything in its path, including victimizing 18,574 people. Sadly there are still 2,694 people who are missing as a result of the tsunami’s powerful surge, taking them back out to sea. In addition, the earthquake created meltdowns at the Fukushima Nuclear reactors that resulted in a lot radioactive substances leaking into the ocean waters of Japan, contaminating the Pacific Ocean.
In 1997, I was with a Buddhist monk, Rev. Kato who cleansed dirty dam water with his prayers at the Fujiwara dam lake in Gunma Prefecture of Japan. I would like to share this important story with you.

Me with Rev. Kato
My interpretation of the 2 photos is that they were certainly a good indicator about the condition of the lake at that time. The water crystal before the prayer shows design that looks like a figure of suffering female face. On the other hand, the water crystal after the prayer turned out to be divine in showing lights around the water crystal.
I speak of this well known Einstein theory at my seminars:
Masaru Emoto
Emoto Peace Project
Literally destroying everything in its path, including victimizing 18,574 people. Sadly there are still 2,694 people who are missing as a result of the tsunami’s powerful surge, taking them back out to sea. In addition, the earthquake created meltdowns at the Fukushima Nuclear reactors that resulted in a lot radioactive substances leaking into the ocean waters of Japan, contaminating the Pacific Ocean.
In 1997, I was with a Buddhist monk, Rev. Kato who cleansed dirty dam water with his prayers at the Fujiwara dam lake in Gunma Prefecture of Japan. I would like to share this important story with you.

Me with Rev. Kato
Water Crystal Photo - after the prayer
My interpretation of the 2 photos is that they were certainly a good indicator about the condition of the lake at that time. The water crystal before the prayer shows design that looks like a figure of suffering female face. On the other hand, the water crystal after the prayer turned out to be divine in showing lights around the water crystal.
Another example of how our prayers effect water, In the early morning of July 25th in 1999, 340 people were gathered for a water ceremony at Lake Biwa the biggest lake of Japan. At that time, Lake Biwa was so polluted that horrid odors were emitting from the lake. A few days after we went there to offer prayers, the local newspaper reported that suddenly there was no longer bad odors emitting from Lake Biwa.
So from these experiences, I learned that if our prayers and intentions are pure, with using water as medium, multi-dimensional power can take place.
I would like to help those missing 2,694 people who are still missing after 2 years past from the disaster. I would like to protect and heal the oceans from contamination of radioactive substances. I am sure that you feel the same way. In order to do so, we need numerous numbers of people at the same time to join together to send pure prayers to souls of the victims.
I speak of this well known Einstein theory at my seminars:
E = MC2 Mass–energy equivalence by Albert Einstein
I believe the true meaning and power of this equation is
The amount of energy or power of the prayer is determined by amount of people who collective connect their pure hearts at the same time. Therefore, I would like to request the everyone around the world to join together for a Simultaneous Global Prayer at exactly 2:46pm Japan time on March 11th. Together we will collectively send our sincere prayers with the following words.
To the victims lost in the oceans and to the water in Pacific Ocean which has suffered radioactive contamination from the nuclear accident in Fukushima.
“I am sorry, please forgive me, thank you and I love you.”
(Repeat 3 times)
(Repeat 3 times)
Where: Right from where you are.
When: Match 11, 2013
Time: 2:46pm Japan Time
*** Use this Time Convertor Link to find out what time 2:46pm Japan time is in your time zone.
When: Match 11, 2013
Time: 2:46pm Japan Time
*** Use this Time Convertor Link to find out what time 2:46pm Japan time is in your time zone.
My sincere love and thanks to each and every one of you for your simultaneous participation in collectively connecting to your heart for this powerful global prayer.
With sincere love and gratitude,
Masaru Emoto
Emoto Peace Project
Please Help the Children of Fukushima ~ An Urgent Message from Masaru Emoto
The warnings and attention regarding radioactive material that was scattered by the accident near the nuclear plant in Fukushima, has seemed to calm down, but the actual situation is not so. The Japanese Government is putting off the solution to all problems, hiding the facts, and with irresponsibility and a non-humanitarian post processing policy.
Properly speaking, it’s the responsibility of Japanese government to solve this problem. Currently, in the present political situation, it is very difficult to persuade or move them. But, when we consider the future of the children's health, there is not a second to lose. If Japan becomes a country of fallout, this is not only a problem in Japan, as it will sweep over this earth like domino in the twinkling of an eye. Even Japanese citizens are not informed of the facts.
For example, the hospitals in Fukushima performed the thyroidal echo check on children 18 years or younger, living in Fukushima in last August. There were 38,000 children examined and a thyroid gland cyst or a tubercle was found on 36% of the children who were examined.
I became aware of this after reading an article, “The Nuclear Sacrifice of Our Children: 14 Recommendations to Help Radiation Contaminated Japan" written by Dr. Helen Cardicott, an Australian pediatrician. Dr. Helen is a well-known doctor of medicine worldwide and was also a candidate for a Nobel Prize. She warns us that if no one takes measures against the radiation exposure to children and people of Fukushima, the results may be the worst ever.
According to the reports, in the case of the Chernobyl Nuclear Plant accident, thyroid cancer began to be discovered in 3-4 years after the accident happened. Since then, over 92,000 people have been diagnosed of thyroid cancer. It is no doubt that the amount of radioactive iodine the children in Fukushima absorbed was tremendously high, because symptom already began to appear at a much early time period.
I have been studying about water and Hado for the past 25 years. In October 1999 when the Tokaimura radiation leak accident happened, I took crystal photograph of the water from a well located only 400 meters away from the scene of the accident .
This crystal picture below represents a water sample affected by the radioactive material.
Since radioactive material is a material of the ‘Hado’ world, I was not surprised to see that the damaged crystal image from the radiation contaminated water changed to a beautiful crystal image, when I imprinted the Hado of “Love and Gratitude” into the water that was previously contaminated with radiation.
The fact that this beautiful diamond shaped water crystal formed from the same radiation water after the Hado of love & gratitude was imprinted, means that the Law of Nature settled into the water, that is, the influence of a radioactive material has been successfully removed.
As a medical doctor of alternative medicine from 1987 to 1997, I examined many of the patients who suffered from cancers and other disease. During that time I successfully assisted the patient in curing their illness using the water that I imprinted with Hado information. Using the same method, I have confidence that if the children and people of Fukushima drink the Hado water that we can provide, that the fearful radiations effects Dr. Helen’s article warned can can absolutely be avoided.
However, the government is supervising so that people may not perform business which takes the advantage of a disaster or selling something which is not yet accepted by the government. Telling people that this product is effective to reduce radioactive influence is strongly forbidden. Officially I believe that it is blaspheming to sell water to children. So, I started a nonprofit organization to appeal for cooperation to many people. The Emoto Peace Project.
I ask each of you for your corporation, especially to all of the people living overseas. I have asked similar requests to the world when the last earthquake hit in Japan and we were grateful to have received the support of many donations from around the world. It is unfortunate to have to ask of you such a request again, but, in order to save the the future health of the children in Fukushima, we need provide the water continuously and we need supporters to do so.
I am currently recruiting new overseas members for non-profit organization, The Emoto Peace Project (EPP). With the help of donation from supporters, like you, we have distributed the children version of “Message from Water” for the past six years to the children around the world for free. At the moment, there are supporters in thirty different countries, and books are printed in each language.
If you are interested in supporting our peace project, I sincerely ask you to support by making a donation. It doesn’t matter how much, and amount helps and WE NEED YOUR HELP. If you resonate with my work and mission, I would like to ask you to make a special donation and apply to join the Emoto Peace Project Membership.
Join Peacemakers Around the world with The Emoto Peace Project Membership
EPP Membership Qualification:
A person who resonates with Masaru Emoto, a missionary of water, a person willing to work with him and share the activities to achieve global peace.
1.EPP Corporate Membership
Corporate Members will have a right to use commercially the crystal pictures which were taken in our laboratory and have been published in the past. (An application is needed in advance.) Annual fee : US$3000 or Euro2400
2.EPP Special Membership
Special member will receive 100 books of Children version of “Messages from Water”.
Annual fee: US$1300 or Euro 1000
3.EPP General Membership
General member will receive an English newsletter by E-mail in three months. You can also contributes messages freely in the newsletter.
Annual fee : US$200 or Euro150
To request a membership application please email
Donations or Memberships Payment can be made by Paypal to
I very much appreciate each and every one of you and your participation and especially any contribution to our global peace movement by citizens of world.
With my sincere love & gratitude,
Masaru Emoto
Water Messenger
Chairman - Emoto Peace Project (EPP)
Properly speaking, it’s the responsibility of Japanese government to solve this problem. Currently, in the present political situation, it is very difficult to persuade or move them. But, when we consider the future of the children's health, there is not a second to lose. If Japan becomes a country of fallout, this is not only a problem in Japan, as it will sweep over this earth like domino in the twinkling of an eye. Even Japanese citizens are not informed of the facts.
For example, the hospitals in Fukushima performed the thyroidal echo check on children 18 years or younger, living in Fukushima in last August. There were 38,000 children examined and a thyroid gland cyst or a tubercle was found on 36% of the children who were examined.
I became aware of this after reading an article, “The Nuclear Sacrifice of Our Children: 14 Recommendations to Help Radiation Contaminated Japan" written by Dr. Helen Cardicott, an Australian pediatrician. Dr. Helen is a well-known doctor of medicine worldwide and was also a candidate for a Nobel Prize. She warns us that if no one takes measures against the radiation exposure to children and people of Fukushima, the results may be the worst ever.
According to the reports, in the case of the Chernobyl Nuclear Plant accident, thyroid cancer began to be discovered in 3-4 years after the accident happened. Since then, over 92,000 people have been diagnosed of thyroid cancer. It is no doubt that the amount of radioactive iodine the children in Fukushima absorbed was tremendously high, because symptom already began to appear at a much early time period.
I have been studying about water and Hado for the past 25 years. In October 1999 when the Tokaimura radiation leak accident happened, I took crystal photograph of the water from a well located only 400 meters away from the scene of the accident .
This crystal picture below represents a water sample affected by the radioactive material.
Since radioactive material is a material of the ‘Hado’ world, I was not surprised to see that the damaged crystal image from the radiation contaminated water changed to a beautiful crystal image, when I imprinted the Hado of “Love and Gratitude” into the water that was previously contaminated with radiation.
The fact that this beautiful diamond shaped water crystal formed from the same radiation water after the Hado of love & gratitude was imprinted, means that the Law of Nature settled into the water, that is, the influence of a radioactive material has been successfully removed.
As a medical doctor of alternative medicine from 1987 to 1997, I examined many of the patients who suffered from cancers and other disease. During that time I successfully assisted the patient in curing their illness using the water that I imprinted with Hado information. Using the same method, I have confidence that if the children and people of Fukushima drink the Hado water that we can provide, that the fearful radiations effects Dr. Helen’s article warned can can absolutely be avoided.
However, the government is supervising so that people may not perform business which takes the advantage of a disaster or selling something which is not yet accepted by the government. Telling people that this product is effective to reduce radioactive influence is strongly forbidden. Officially I believe that it is blaspheming to sell water to children. So, I started a nonprofit organization to appeal for cooperation to many people. The Emoto Peace Project.
I ask each of you for your corporation, especially to all of the people living overseas. I have asked similar requests to the world when the last earthquake hit in Japan and we were grateful to have received the support of many donations from around the world. It is unfortunate to have to ask of you such a request again, but, in order to save the the future health of the children in Fukushima, we need provide the water continuously and we need supporters to do so.
I am currently recruiting new overseas members for non-profit organization, The Emoto Peace Project (EPP). With the help of donation from supporters, like you, we have distributed the children version of “Message from Water” for the past six years to the children around the world for free. At the moment, there are supporters in thirty different countries, and books are printed in each language.
If you are interested in supporting our peace project, I sincerely ask you to support by making a donation. It doesn’t matter how much, and amount helps and WE NEED YOUR HELP. If you resonate with my work and mission, I would like to ask you to make a special donation and apply to join the Emoto Peace Project Membership.
Join Peacemakers Around the world with The Emoto Peace Project Membership
EPP Membership Qualification:
A person who resonates with Masaru Emoto, a missionary of water, a person willing to work with him and share the activities to achieve global peace.
1.EPP Corporate Membership
Corporate Members will have a right to use commercially the crystal pictures which were taken in our laboratory and have been published in the past. (An application is needed in advance.) Annual fee : US$3000 or Euro2400
2.EPP Special Membership
Special member will receive 100 books of Children version of “Messages from Water”.
Annual fee: US$1300 or Euro 1000
3.EPP General Membership
General member will receive an English newsletter by E-mail in three months. You can also contributes messages freely in the newsletter.
Annual fee : US$200 or Euro150
To request a membership application please email
Donations or Memberships Payment can be made by Paypal to
I very much appreciate each and every one of you and your participation and especially any contribution to our global peace movement by citizens of world.
With my sincere love & gratitude,
Masaru Emoto
Water Messenger
Chairman - Emoto Peace Project (EPP)
Love and gratitude and prayer for the children of Fukushima
14th October Sunday at 8 o’clock in the morning, Dr. Emoto and four of his staff set off in a van from Tokyo to attend an event that was to be held in Ko-oriyama, Fukushima, the establishing of a new organization ‘The parents’ organization to provide safe water to the children of Fukushima’.
Dr. Emoto had just returned from Hawaii where he attended and gave a speech at the World Congress of Quantum Medicine. He has in the past aided almost 10 thousand people with their health issues and with the knowledge of Hado and water, has been able to strengthen the immune system of which the results of his research has been published in one of his books ‘Prelude to Hado Era’. His research was praised by the Open International University of Sri Lanka and he was awarded Doctor of Alternative Medicine. We were happy to hear that his speech in Hawaii was a great success. During the 3 1/2hours trip to Ko-oriyama, we had meetings and checked the latest slides that we were to show at the event.
We had lunch at a popular Misoya-ramenn (noodle) restaurant, close to Ko-oriyama Yuracs where the ceremony was to take place. While waiting outside in line, there was a couple that smiled at Dr. Emoto and staff wearing the Wa-Ryu T-shirts who turned out to be one of the participants. It was an unexpected encounter. We enjoyed our lunch and headed for the event.
13:30 The establishing of the new organization ‘The parents’ organization to provide safe water to the children of Fukushima’ began held by NPO Emoto Peace Project.
The ceremony opened with the showing of the film ‘INORI Prayer~Conversation with Something Great’, directed by Tetsu Shiratori. It was the first time for this film to be shown in the Tohoku region. It is based on the story of Kazuo Murakami, Emeritus Professor at Tsukuba University, of how the genes could be turned on by ‘laughter’, ‘joy’ and ‘gratitude’.
*To make savings in Heaven
*To bow one’s head does not cost anything (there was laughter from the audience)
*Prayer led to discovery
*Those who receive prayer heal better
are some topics that left a deep impression. After the movie, there were people who were wiping their eyes with their handkerchiefs which moved me.
During the break, there were many people who came to buy books and Wa-Ryu T-shirts. There was a boy who came up to Dr. Emoto to get his book signed and was asked ‘Do some study on water in the future’. He looked a little embarrassed but he smiled happily.
Dr. Emoto’s speech.
The photos and videos of water crystal experiments by exposing water to the prayer Hannyashinkyou and the nuclear experiments that have been conducted worldwide brought silence to the audience. He also showed the picture of the water crystal after the radiation leak accident in JCO Tokai-mura, Ibaraki Prefecture and of another picture which showed a beautiful crystal after impressing the water with information that enhances the immune system. Immunity or self-healing abilities means that there is no stress and shows how important it is for the human body to have the information of love and gratitude. He talked of the ‘MRET-Angel Water’ developed by Igor Smirnov, Ph.D. which have achieved good scientific results in the USA and the participants listened intently.
At last, time to distribute the ‘MRET-Angel Water’ (600ml X 16 bottles). They all carried the heavy cases to take home looking very happy.
The event for ‘The parents’ organization to provide safe water to the children of Fukushima’ was attended by over 80 participants from Fukushima Prefecture and other Prefectures and was a great success. We will continue to distribute safe water to the children of Fukushima and hope to transform this into a nation-wide and world-wide activity. We would like to thank all those that participated in this event. Thank you all very much.
Love, Gratitude
Written by Ryoko Nasukawa
Dr. Emoto had just returned from Hawaii where he attended and gave a speech at the World Congress of Quantum Medicine. He has in the past aided almost 10 thousand people with their health issues and with the knowledge of Hado and water, has been able to strengthen the immune system of which the results of his research has been published in one of his books ‘Prelude to Hado Era’. His research was praised by the Open International University of Sri Lanka and he was awarded Doctor of Alternative Medicine. We were happy to hear that his speech in Hawaii was a great success. During the 3 1/2hours trip to Ko-oriyama, we had meetings and checked the latest slides that we were to show at the event.
We had lunch at a popular Misoya-ramenn (noodle) restaurant, close to Ko-oriyama Yuracs where the ceremony was to take place. While waiting outside in line, there was a couple that smiled at Dr. Emoto and staff wearing the Wa-Ryu T-shirts who turned out to be one of the participants. It was an unexpected encounter. We enjoyed our lunch and headed for the event.
13:30 The establishing of the new organization ‘The parents’ organization to provide safe water to the children of Fukushima’ began held by NPO Emoto Peace Project.
Venue of the event
*To make savings in Heaven
*To bow one’s head does not cost anything (there was laughter from the audience)
*Prayer led to discovery
*Those who receive prayer heal better
are some topics that left a deep impression. After the movie, there were people who were wiping their eyes with their handkerchiefs which moved me.
During the break, there were many people who came to buy books and Wa-Ryu T-shirts. There was a boy who came up to Dr. Emoto to get his book signed and was asked ‘Do some study on water in the future’. He looked a little embarrassed but he smiled happily.
Dr. Emoto’s speech.
The photos and videos of water crystal experiments by exposing water to the prayer Hannyashinkyou and the nuclear experiments that have been conducted worldwide brought silence to the audience. He also showed the picture of the water crystal after the radiation leak accident in JCO Tokai-mura, Ibaraki Prefecture and of another picture which showed a beautiful crystal after impressing the water with information that enhances the immune system. Immunity or self-healing abilities means that there is no stress and shows how important it is for the human body to have the information of love and gratitude. He talked of the ‘MRET-Angel Water’ developed by Igor Smirnov, Ph.D. which have achieved good scientific results in the USA and the participants listened intently.
At last, time to distribute the ‘MRET-Angel Water’ (600ml X 16 bottles). They all carried the heavy cases to take home looking very happy.
The event for ‘The parents’ organization to provide safe water to the children of Fukushima’ was attended by over 80 participants from Fukushima Prefecture and other Prefectures and was a great success. We will continue to distribute safe water to the children of Fukushima and hope to transform this into a nation-wide and world-wide activity. We would like to thank all those that participated in this event. Thank you all very much.
We gave away a box of Angel Water to participant
Love, Gratitude
Written by Ryoko Nasukawa
The 14th Hado Instructor School in Scotland :Day 3
The last day of Hado Instructor School started with Dr. Emoto’s class, “Power of Prayer”. In his class, he talked about what he accomplished when he had a prayer ceremony at Lake Biwa in 1999 and also another ceremony at Lake Baikal in 2008 with using different slides. He also talked about “cloud clearing game” and through these events, he explained about power of prayer.
Next class was Rasmus’s “New Science of Water”. He explained about how he met with Dr. Emoto and it was a very interesting story so I would like to share with you.
First of all, Rasmus’s father was a big fan of Dr. Emoto’s work on water and he organized Dr. Emoto’s seminar in Switzerland more than 10 years ago then they became friends. After that, he recommended Rasmus to go to Tokyo to study about the water crystal experiment because Rasmus studied science in the university and Rasmus’s father though this water crystal experiment needs more scientific approach and he thought it is good for both. Then, Rasmus came to our water crystal lab in Tokyo together with his fiancé, Lisbeth and they had the training for one month.
Rasmus confessed this time at the Hado School about this that he first wanted to disprove Dr. Emoto’s work because he thought there was no way the music or people’s consciousness could influence water and changed the water crystalline structures at that time. However, as he photographed water crystals, he began to get drawn into the beauty of water crystals and realized that the water can react to different information. After the training was finished, he went back to Europe and shortly after that, he established Hado Life Europe where he produced numerous of water crystal photos in next 10 years.
Now he is not only working as a researcher but also as a speaker and visiting many different places to give seminars about water in Europe. It is so precious to have him in our team because he has scientific background and mind yet produces a lot of water crystal photographs.
This time in his class, he talked about not only his research on water crystals but also different water experiments done by different scientists. He always speaks about information on most advanced water researches in the world so it is very interesting. There were many questions which were asked to Rasmus after his class.
Next class was Rasmus’s “New Science of Water”. He explained about how he met with Dr. Emoto and it was a very interesting story so I would like to share with you.
First of all, Rasmus’s father was a big fan of Dr. Emoto’s work on water and he organized Dr. Emoto’s seminar in Switzerland more than 10 years ago then they became friends. After that, he recommended Rasmus to go to Tokyo to study about the water crystal experiment because Rasmus studied science in the university and Rasmus’s father though this water crystal experiment needs more scientific approach and he thought it is good for both. Then, Rasmus came to our water crystal lab in Tokyo together with his fiancé, Lisbeth and they had the training for one month.
Rasmus confessed this time at the Hado School about this that he first wanted to disprove Dr. Emoto’s work because he thought there was no way the music or people’s consciousness could influence water and changed the water crystalline structures at that time. However, as he photographed water crystals, he began to get drawn into the beauty of water crystals and realized that the water can react to different information. After the training was finished, he went back to Europe and shortly after that, he established Hado Life Europe where he produced numerous of water crystal photos in next 10 years.
Now he is not only working as a researcher but also as a speaker and visiting many different places to give seminars about water in Europe. It is so precious to have him in our team because he has scientific background and mind yet produces a lot of water crystal photographs.
This time in his class, he talked about not only his research on water crystals but also different water experiments done by different scientists. He always speaks about information on most advanced water researches in the world so it is very interesting. There were many questions which were asked to Rasmus after his class.
Rasmus's class "New Science of Water"
Participants seriously listening to Rasmus's class
After the delicious lunch, Kumanga, the organizer of this Hado School gave a talk. She talked about how Dr. Emoto’s work changed her life and how she met with him and training on water crystal experiment she took in Tokyo and also the plan to set up water crystal lab in Scotland. She is a very pure person and I can see people around her at the Nilpul center are same. I am sure that they can create a successful water crystal lab because purity is very important to this experiment.
The next class was done by Lindsey Kemp from New Jersey, USA. She came to the last Hado School in Aso, Japan to become a Hado Instructor. At that time, her purpose for the visit was to make a documentary film on Dr. Emoto’s work so she took an award winning professional camera man to Japan with her. Even though the film is not completed yet with different reasons at the moment, instead, she developed a wonderful mobile application for iPhone called “My Hado” and now it is available to download everywhere in the world. She said that she has been having a lot of synchronicities since she came to Hado School and now she follows her intuitions and make a decision and that is why she came all the way to Scotland by own expense to support this Hado Instructor School this time. She is a very cheerful person who gives energies to people around and she looked after the participants very kindly this time and she was so helpful for everyone.
She talked about the information on My Hado application.
She talked about the information on My Hado application.
Then the last class of the 14th Hado Instructor School was of course Dr. Emoto’s class. He talked about Emoto Peace Project. He said this project is his primary mission. He believes many issues that we face around the world today such as race issue, religious issue, environmental issue would be solved in the future by children reading the book, Messages from Water now. Water is essential for our lives in regardless of race, religion, and environment but we don’t know much about water and that is why we have so many conflicts.
Carmen from Hong Kong who joined Hado Instructor School this time has already doing her activities with local children by creating the book for children in Chinese version and distributing them to children and giving them teachings on water and power of the mind by herself. We are so pleased to have her in our team and we were even happier when she said she would like to organize Hado Instructor School for Chinese speaking people. It would be great if that happens. So it is very important to teach theses this water messages to children as a Hado Instructor for the world peace.
At the end, we had a closing ceremony and everyone received a certificate as a Hado Instructor. Also, they received CD rom which contains all the slides and video files that Dr. Emoto used at his classes and 500 water crystal images together with Hado Instructor budge.
Carmen from Hong Kong who joined Hado Instructor School this time has already doing her activities with local children by creating the book for children in Chinese version and distributing them to children and giving them teachings on water and power of the mind by herself. We are so pleased to have her in our team and we were even happier when she said she would like to organize Hado Instructor School for Chinese speaking people. It would be great if that happens. So it is very important to teach theses this water messages to children as a Hado Instructor for the world peace.
At the end, we had a closing ceremony and everyone received a certificate as a Hado Instructor. Also, they received CD rom which contains all the slides and video files that Dr. Emoto used at his classes and 500 water crystal images together with Hado Instructor budge.
This time, we had 11 Hado Instructors which is not many but we can visualize that each one of them will spread the water messages and Hado to their own communities then that will spread our more and more. We are very happy with the outcome of the school this time and we would like to give great thanks to Kumanga for making this Hado School happens and also staffs at Nilpul Foundation for their great supports.
Participants and Nilpul staffs with great smiles!
We will have a next Hado Instructor School in Merida, Mexico from Dec. 15th to 18th and now we are inviting participants. Please join us if you are interested in becoming a Hado Instructor! Click here to get details on next Hado Instructor School:
Written by Hiro Emoto
Written by Hiro Emoto
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